WJ'55 Masthead Scouts Canada

Committee Minutes

September 18, 2005

Ted will contact Ron Dale about the next steps towards a National Historic Monument.

September 13, 2005

It is hoped that the committee will be able to arrange a National Historic Monument for 2007.

September 6, 2005

The plaque has been delivered and has been given to Fort George for mounting.

August 25, 2005

Ted and Tony have worked to correct some issues with the French translation of the text of the plaque. The plaque had been promised in time for the ceremony. More recently, Matthews Casting indicated that there may be a delay and that they would provide a cardboard replica if there is a delay.

The plaque mount is currently under construction. It will be installed on an existing concrete slab near Butler's Barracks. Parks Canada is paying for the stand.

August 9, 2005

Tony reported on the status of the monument. Matthews Casting made the best quote. In total, the plaque should cost just under the $2000 budget (covered by the Foster Hewitt Foundation).

April 12, 2005

Bill L. and Tony gave Ron Dale the design for the commemorative plaque.

March 8, 2005

An application has been made to the Foster Hewitt Foundation to fund the monument. A response is expected around July 1. Tony showed the proposed wording and design. Tony continue to work with Ron Dale on the project.

February 8, 2005

Tony met with Ron Dale and Bill L. to discuss the National Historic Monument. If an application is made soon, it should be in place for Scouting's Centenary in 2007 if approved. There would be no cost for this.

The plaque for this September would cost about $2000. Tony is working on a design and the English text. Bill L. has a contact at the Foster Hewitt Foundation. They may be interested in covering the cost of this.

August 31, 2004

Ron stated that making a plaque takes about three weeks from the time the design is approved. He is the person who must approve the design and its placement.

July 13, 2004

Bill L. and Tony reported in their progress towards the monument. Bill was contacted by Ron Dale, who is eager to facilitate our project. To put up a cairn would take a full archaeological investigation. This would be very expensive. However, there is a spot at the intersection of two paths between Butlers Barracks and the Gunshed where a marker could be located. This is on a former roadway where no archaeological survey needs to be undertaken.

Parks Canada is planning an historical display concerning the past uses of the Fort grounds. It will be at Butlers Barracks which is the home of the museum. WJ'55 would be part of that historical display.

If the monument is within the limits of the former roadway, Parks Canada will support the placement of a bronze lectern plaque on a steel post. They would look after the design and production so that it would fit with the standards they have. A plaque would cost about $2,500. Ted noted that the cost that he had looked into was in the same order of magnitude. The steel stand would be several hundred dollars in addition. Parks Canada may consider the stand in its budget. This could be underway and accomplished in time for the Anniversary celebration.

Bill and Tony raised the question of the National Historic Sites and Monuments Board and the lack of success by both Mike Scott and Tony Roberts. Ron Dale agreed that this was a subject that fell within their guidelines. He informed them that he was acquainted with the people in charge and that he was willing to help us with the application process and he would take a personal interest in seeing that it came about.

Mike Scott had approached the province. This avenue need not be abandoned yet. The town of Niagara-on-the-Lake hosted a lunch for the Governor General, Vincent Massey who was there for the opening ceremonies of the Jamboree. There might be a possibility of making something out of that from a town or provincial point of view.

Bill Connor has spoken to Mike Scott. Mike had been out of town and was heading for Europe immediately. Bill Connor will speak with Mike Scott when he comes back and will ask him about official status of this event from the point of view of Scouts Canada.

With regard to the use of the WJ'55 symbols, the committee decided to ask Scouts Canada for permission to use these on a plaque and on a badge.

Ted will send a letter to Ron Dale confirming the following Motions:

  1. The Committee fully supports and will go forward with the suggestion of a lectern stand monument with bronze plaque to be placed in accordance with the site suggested by Parks Canada.
  2. The Committee will take part and will fully support going forward with the initiative to have an application to the Historic Sites and Monuments Board and that a formal request be sent forward as soon as practicable.

June 8, 2004

Bill Connor has talked to Mike Scott who is looking into a Provincial plaque. Consensus was that the commitee should concentrate for now on the federal scene and on Fort George. Bill Lindsay could get a letter of support from Friends of Fort George. He has unofficial but good support from town of NotL. He tired to approach Sheila Copps through the local MP but got no response.

Bill Lindsay has connection through Friends of Fort George to Ron Dale, Administrator of Fort George National Historic Site. After Discussion it was decided that the committee should take the approach that we would like a monumnet on the Fort George site. The fall back position would be to go to the Town of NotL. Bill Lindsay has good relationship with Fort George's No. 2, Buddy Andres. He arranged use of the Navy Hall venue for the meeting. He is supporting and suggested the approach to Ron Dale. There will need to be an official committment or permission from Scouts Canada.

With regard to a monument, John Jupian, restoration Architecht, has been interested. He has done work for various historic sites for the Lundy's Lane Historical Society. Liam also has graphics ability and would make some draft designs. Local Artist Patricial Romance might be contacted for artistic input. Wording on a plaque should be simple and straightforward. Any plaque will have to be bilingual. Ted reported that two plaques could be made for about $1800.

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