Committee Minutes
June 13, 2005
- Ted Claxton
- Bill Connor
- Bill Lindsay
- Liam Morland
- George Repar
- Tony Roberts
Communication Strategy
Local Cooperation
Niagara-on-the-Lake Council
The committee had met with the Lord Major of Niagara-on-the-Lake earlier in the day. He is very supportive and would like to be kept informed about the event. The Lord Mayor would like music at the Scout Brigade parade and suggested Lincoln and Welland Regimental Band. Ted will invite all counsellors to attend the unveiling ceremony.
Tony read the speech to be given later that evening to the Niagara-on-the-Lake Council meeting.
Niagara Parks Commission
Tony is working with the Niagara Parks Commission and Scouts Canada, Niagara Area on the oak planting. He will share the VIP list with the Parks Commission. Committee members will attend the planting.
Commemoration Event
Antique Car
Bill L. will contact a car club to attempt to locate a 1955 car for the parade.
CBC Audio Recordings
The CBC has granted permission to reproduce on CD their broadcasts about the Jamboree and have requested a 15¢ per copy royalty.
Bands for Parade
The committee discussed bands that might be interested in participating in the parade. Bands included the Lincoln and Welland Regimental Band, Fort George Fife and Drum Corps., Burlington Teen Tour Band, the Ayr Band, and the Preston Scout House Band.
Plan for Rain
The Scouts will Be Prepared for any weather. Hopefully funding will be available for marquees for dignitaries and participants.
St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church has offered to cater the Saturday banquet for $18 per person.
The Committee discussed who should emcee the unveiling ceremony. It was agreed that it is appropriate for the Chief Commission to do this. The ceremony needs to include some background so that the Scouts and others understand the importance of what is being commemorated.
Registrations are slowly starting to trickle in. Liam will send a reminder and a registration deadline of late July will be set.
Scouts Canada's Participation
Committee Registration
Ted reminded everyone to complete their Scouts Canada registration.
Special Guests
Ted reported that VIP invitations have been sent. So far, Kim Craitor, Rob Nicholson, and Ron Dale have accepted.
Japanese Visitors
—Minutes by Liam Morland.