WJ'55 Masthead Scouts Canada

Committee Minutes

November 29, 2005

Tony noted that he still had money on hand from badge sales. The committee agreed that he should hold that money for the use and benefit of the Niagara Scouting Museum. Ted gave Tony the remaining 250 crests. The committee members agreed that the proceeds of sale of those badges should be applied to the needs of the Niagara Scouting Museum.

September 6, 2005

Ted will order 500 more crests, bringing the total ordered to 1800.

February 8, 2005

The crests are now available via the web site. About $200 worth have been sold already.

December 7, 2004

Due to a delay, the crests are not ready, but are expected soon.

November 9, 2004

Ted has ordered 300 badges. They should be ready in about two weeks.

October 5, 2004

Liam showed a design for the commemoration crest. The proposed crest is identical to the WJ'55 crest except that the words "New Horizons Nouveaux" have been replaced with "Celebrating 50 Years / September 16-18, 2005". Liam also showed a design for a poster advertising the commemoration event based on the design of a poster used for WJ'55. The new poster is on the web site.
Motion: Bill C. / Tony; Carried.
That the proposed crest design be approved as the official crest for the WJ'55 commemoration.

Peter Miller of the KW Scout Shop has much experience in arranging the manufacture of crests. Ted undertook to see Peter about having the crest made.

It was agreed that the crests will be sold for $5 each with proceeds supporting the commemoration.

August 31, 2004

There has been some email discussion about the design for the commemoration crest. Ted showed a draft design.

July 13, 2004

Ted and Tony reported on the progress with the Badge created by Harry Niezen. We will leave the approval until the next meeting.
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