We Extend Our Grateful Thanks
Many individuals and groups contributed to making WJ'55 a success. The final edition of the Jamboree Journal included this list of contributors. You can also look at a scan of the original article.
The Canadian General Council of the Boy Scouts Association wishes gratefully to acknowledge the kindness of the following organizations, industries, commercial, agricultural and other groups who have made valuable contributions to the organization and operation of the Jamboree of New Horizons.
Ontario Beekeepers Association and Sports College of Toronto for a donation of 1,000 pounds of honey.
The Niagara Parks Commission for the use of part of the Jamboree site, for the flower beds and many other courtesies.
National Cash Register for the loan of 60 Cash registers.
Murray Morton and his Concert Orchestra for an enjoyable concert through the courtesy of St. Catharines Branch of the Federation of Musicians.
The Montreal Milk Producers Association for their generous donation of $100 towards the cost of butter for the Jamboree contingents.
Miss Jean Loundsbury and her company of Majorettes.
The London Boys and Girls for their afternoon Band Concert.
La Cooperative Federee de Quebec for their generosity in sending $100 towards the cost of butter for the Jamboree.
Javex Co. Ltd. for their contribution of 300---16 oz. bottles of Javex which were used to aid sanitation on the campsite.
International Nickel Company for their donation of plaques for all the Contingent leaders, which will serve as a memento of the Jamboree.
J. M. Hill & Son who have earned the gratitude of the Treasurer, in particular, by their loan of two adding machines.
Government of Canada for a grant of $50,000 toward the general operation of the Jamboree and the International Conference. Also for the ready cooperation of all Government Departments in providing the camp site, camp equipment, many facilities, bands, sending members of the R.C.M.P. for security purposes, issuing the special commemorative postage stamps, etc. etc.
Gestetner (Canada) Ltd. for the loan of office equipment.
Frigidaire Company for the use of eleven refrigerators.
Canadian National Railway for the load on a baggage car.
Ford Motor Company for the fleet of new cars and trucks and their competent staff who serviced the vehicles throughout.
T. Eaton Co. Ltd., who sponsored the Jamboree film, in addition to providing scenery and decorations for the stage shows, loaning a set of United Nations flags for the Jamboree and as backdrop for the International Conference at the Sheraton-Brook Hotel, Toronto. They also provided a meal on the train for the whole of the Quebec contingent.
De Havilland Aircraft Co., who provided the material for all the Camp signs.
Dairy Manufacturers Association of Manitoba, who contributed $400 towards the cost of butter for the Jamboree.
Mr. Howard Cowper, who gave as a gift 10,0000 Chiclets chewing gum.
Cooperative Agricole de Granby for their donation of $75 towards the cost of butter for the Jamboree.
Coca-Cola for providing souvenirs for all the Scouts.
Canadian Red Cross Society who safeguarded all who went swimming by providing Water Safety Patrols.
Canadian Passenger Association for arranging reduced rail fares for all attending the Jamboree.
Canadian Pacific Railway for the loan of refrigerator cars.
Canadian Pacific Airlines for transporting free of charge eight Scouts from Aklavik to Norman Wells.
Canadian National Exhibition for their generosity in providing 15,000 free meals on the Opening Day of the Exhibition.
Canadian Industries Limited for supplying 2 cases of coloured flares.
Canadian General Electric for donation 16 10,000 watt watt [sic] lamps used in lighting the Arena shows.
Caanda [sic] Dry for supplying pencil souvenirs.
Canadian Bank Note Company who gave 1,500 First Day Covers for distribution to all Leaders.
All those who contributed so generously to the ``Break the Dollar Barrier" scheme, winning the gratitude of over 1,000 Scouts who benefitted and aiding the spirit of goodwill immeasurably.
C. Norman Bell, who provided the Camp blue-prints, designing and supervising all the street signs for the Jamboree.
Bell Telephone Co. for the costly installation of a special switchboard, and the courteous and helpful service rendered by their staff, who maintained 24 hour service often under pressure, even when hampered in their work by Hurricane Connie.
The Alberta Dairymen's Association for their generous gift of $400 towards the cost of butter for the Jamboree.
Welland Chamber of Commerce and Welland Boy Scouts Association for the erection of the blockhouse and stockade fence at the ``New Horizons" Gateway. Welland Chamber of Commerce also provided Staff plaques.
Waste Paper Statistics, Toronto kindly contributed a cash donation of $50.00.
Town of Niagara-on-the-Lake loaned the High School for use as a hospital and did everything possible to make the Scouts welcome, both as a community and by individual deeds of kindness.
South Central Rovers gave their time and energy in cutting 1,300 spars for use at the Jamboree.
Silva Limited donated a number of compasses and books which were awarded as prizes in the "Are you a Ringer?" contest.
Seven-up provided First Day Cover envelopes for every Scout at the Jamboree.
The Saskatchewan Dairy Association gave a further generous donation of $400.00 towards the cost of butter for the Jamboree.
St. John Ambulance volunteers were always on hand to assist any of the general public who needed their aid.
Royal typewriter Co. Ltd. generously loaned 50 typewriters.
R.C.A. Victor Company for the provision of a television set for the Press lounge.
The Province of Ontario supplied highway signs, snow fencing and extended many other courtesies, in addition to a generous grant of $25,000 toward the general expenses of the Jamboree.
The Piano Clinic of St. Catharines for the loan of a piano.
Pitney Bowes Company for the loan of a Postage Meter.
The Ontario Whole Milk Producers' League for a donation of $400.00 towards the cost of butter.
The Ontario Hydro Electric Power Commission for the tower used at the "New Horizons" Gateway for the use of a posthole digger and for a generous contribution of labour.
The Ontario Creamery Association for a generous contribution of $3,000 towards the cost of butter.
O'Keefe's for the loan of trucks for shipping.
The Ontario Cream Producer's Marketing Board for their donation of $400.00 towards the cost of butter.
The Ontario Concentrated Milk Producer's Marketing Board for a gift of $400.00 towards the cost of butter for the Jamboree.
The Department of Lands and Forests, Ontario, for a demonstration planned but cancelled due to heavy commitments in the Northern Ontario forest fires.
The Niagara Falls Chamber of Commerce for the provision of information leaflets describing the tours and many other services.
Air Marshal C. R. Slemon for the services of the Royal Canadian Air Force Band.
Lt. General H. D. Graham for the services of the Royal Canadian Regiment Band.
The Lumber Companies of the Niagara District for donations of lumber.
The many fruit growers of the area who have so generously provided vast quantities of fresh fruits.